Best Practices for Org Codes

Learn how to choose a secure org code for your organization

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over a week ago

What is an org code?

Your unique org code allows your users to join MoveSpring as a part of your organization. It also serves as a layer of security for your account by preventing people outside of your organization from joining your account. Only users who have your org code will be able to sign up with your company.

What should I use as an org code?

If your org code is easily guessed, there is a risk that people outside of your organization could sign up to join your account. We recommend using a code that is not easily guessed to minimize this risk.

MoveSpring provides a secure org code for you to use automatically. However, if you prefer to generate your own org code or edit your current code, we suggest following these best practices:

Recommend org code length

An org code between 10-15 characters is strongly recommended, as anything shorter poses a security risk to your account and your users. For maximum security, set an org code that is 15 characters. Each additional character in your org code increases the difficulty of guessing the code.

Recommended org code complexity

Org codes in MoveSpring can consist of a combination of letters and numbers. For maximum security, use a random combination of both letters and numbers. We suggest avoiding obvious org codes that could be easily guessed, such as your company's name.

Generating a random org code

To help you generate a random org code, you can use a resource like 1Password's Strong Password Generator. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click here to access the password generator

  2. Reduce the length to 15 characters

  3. Select Copy Secure Password

  4. Select the x in the upper right corner

  5. Paste your new org code into the org code field in the Admin Center

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