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How to Join a Challenge

Learn how to join any available admin-created challenges

MoveSpring Team avatar
Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over a month ago

Joining a challenge from the mobile app

If there is an available challenge that was created by your challenge admin, you should be able to join the challenge by following the steps below:

1. From the MoveSpring dashboard, scroll down to the Challenges section and tap on the blue Join/Create button.

2. You’ll see a list of all available, public challenges within your organization from this page. Click the + button next to the challenge you want to join.

Note: If you've already joined the challenge, it will no longer appear here. Instead, your challenge will appear under the Challenges heading on your dashboard.

3. A confirmation modal will appear with an option to review the challenge details. To confirm you want to join this challenge, click the green Join button.

Your challenge should now appear in your MoveSpring dashboard under the Challenges heading.

Joining a challenge from the MoveSpring website

  1. From the web dashboard, scroll down to the Challenges section and click on the + Join challenge button:

2. Locate the challenge you want to join and click the green + Join button:

3. Review the challenge details if preferred, and then click Join challenge > Go to Dashboard as shown below:

Your challenge should now appear in your MoveSpring dashboard under your upcoming or active challenges depending on when your challenge was set to begin.

Don't see your challenge listed?

If you don’t see your challenge listed in the available challenges to join, then you may have been sent an invitation link from your organization’s challenge administrator to join your challenge.

Please check all challenge communications you received to confirm if this is the case or reach out to your challenge administrator for more details about how to join your challenge.

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