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One-time Challenges FAQ

Frequently asked questions for new and returning one-time challenge clients

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over a week ago


MoveSpring Access

Platform License



User Spots

Running another challenge

MoveSpring Access

How many days can my challenge last?

One-time challenges can run up to 45 days. Your 45 days starts on the first day of your official challenge.

Do I still have access to MoveSpring after our challenge has ended?

Yes. You can access the admin center and users still login into their accounts for at least 21 days after your official challenge has ended. This will give you plenty of time to pull reports, pick winners, and communicate to your team. We suggest downloading reports during this time in case you want to save data after you no longer have access.

Can I access the admin center when I’m not running a challenge?

No. You cannot access the admin center in-between challenges.

The admin center will be accessible to set up, run, and wrap up any one-time challenges. You will have access to the admin center for at least 21 days after a challenge ends to pull reports, pick winners, and communicate to your team.

Do I get access to MoveSpring before our challenge begins?

Payment is required before regranting MoveSpring access. After we have received payment, you can login to your account and create your new one-time challenge!

Will users be able to access their accounts even if I’m not running a challenge?

No. Your account will be inactive between challenges so users can’t login. Upon reactivation, all user accounts can be accessed again instead of starting fresh.

Platform License

What does my platform license include?

The platform license includes one complimentary onboarding call, and maintains all account and user historical data for 12 months.

When does my platform license end?

Your platform license is valid for 12 months, starting on either the 1st or 15th of the month.

Where can I find my platform license dates?

You can find this information by logging into the admin center. Go to Settings > Plan, users, & billing > scroll down and refer to the Billing section for dates.

If you do not have access to your account because you are not running an active challenge, then you can view your platform license dates in your invoice.


Will I receive assistance from the client success team if I run another one-time challenge?

Yes. Your client success manager will provide you with resources and be available to help answer any programming related questions throughout your challenge.

If you would like additional support for your second one-time challenge, you can add on Challenge Assistance ($500). This 30-minute call will include discussing challenge and account configuration.

After the call, your client success manager will create your challenge and share suggested communications.

Will I receive technical assistance?

Of course! We have several resources available in the MoveSpring Help Center and YouTube channel.

You and your users can also reach our support team directly in the app, as well as by emailing

Our Support team is available between 9am-5pm (US, Central Standard Time), Monday-Friday.

I’m a new admin on a current account. Will I receive a call?

The original admin is responsible for teaching any new admins how to use the platform. You may contact your client success manager if you have any questions.


How much does it cost to run another one-time challenge?

All one-time challenges include a per user price and a platform license. Within your 12 month platform license, you can run additional challenges and will only need to pay for user spots at $8/user.

If you want to run a one-time challenge after your platform license has ended then you will have to pay the platform license again.

Will I need to pay the platform license again if my challenge is set to end after my platform license expires?

Yes, if your challenge is set to end after you platform license ends you will be required to pay the platform license again. This is an annual fee.

Can I upgrade from a one-time challenge to an annual plan?

Absolutely! Please contact your client success manager for more information and pricing!

User Spots

I already have users in my account from a previous challenge. Do I need to pay for those spots again?

Yes. You will be billed based on unique users in your account, not by challenge participation.

How many users can I start with for my next challenge?

The minimum user tier to start at will be the total number of users currently in your account. You do have the option to remove members from the account if you wish to start at a lower user tier. At the end of the challenge, your flex cap invoice will be based on the total unique users in the account.

Can I remove users?

Yes, you have the option to either individually remove users or clear out the entire account between challenges. You can remove users by following the steps here.

Any removed users would need to recreate accounts.

Running another challenge

I’m ready to run another challenge! What do I need to do?

  1. Contact your client success manager to reactivate your account. Share the number of users you would like to start with, flex cap number, and challenge dates.

  2. Pay your one-time challenge invoice. Payment must be submitted and processed before regaining access.

  3. Optional: Remove inactive users from your account.

  4. Create your challenge and invite users

  5. Have fun!

Do I need to remove users in my account if they’re not participating in my new challenge?

No, you do not need to remove users in your account.

We bill based on total number of unique users in the account, not active participants in your challenge. Should your total user count exceed the initial user spots purchased you will be sent a flex cap invoice towards the end of your challenge. Admins consider removing users to stay within their budget.

Who is responsible for removing inactive users?

You are responsible for removing any inactive users from your account. You can remove users in the admin center by following the steps here.

Please note: removing a user will permanently delete their account and user data.

If you would like to start with an entirely new set of users, we can remove all users from your account. This would permanently delete all user and challenge data.

Do users need to create new accounts?

No, if you run another one-time challenge within your platform license then returning users can simply login to their existing accounts.

If users’ accounts have been removed then they will need to sign back up and create new accounts.

Have another question?

For any additional questions, please contact your client success manager or reach out to

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