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How to Use Admin Chat

Learn how to manage challenge & monthly step goal chats from the MoveSpring Admin Center

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over 4 months ago

What is chat management in the Admin Center?

Each challenge run on MoveSpring has an associated chat for participants to message with each other throughout the challenge. The monthly step goal feature also has a monthly chat available for all participants with a goal set to message each other throughout the month. You can manage both of these types of chat as an account admin from within the Admin Center.

Messages sent from admin chat will feature your organization’s name as the sender, but you can still participate in chat as a user from the MoveSpring web or mobile apps.

*Note that this feature only applies to general challenge chats and the monthly step goal chats. You cannot manage or view team chats, direct user chats, or chats for user-created challenges from the Admin Center.

Navigating to admin chat

Log in to the Admin Center to access admin chat.

To navigate to a specific challenge's chat, click the Challenges tab and find your desired challenge, and then click on the “Chat” button underneath the challenge details section on the challenge dashboard.

To navigate to the monthly step goal chat, locate the Monthly Step Goal section on the admin dashboard and click on the "Chat" button for the month you wish you to manage.

Using admin chat

Once you've opened a particular challenge or monthly step goal chat, you'll be able to view all messages shared in the chat, post messages from your organization’s account, download images, and more. Learn more below:

Sending chat messages

Messages sent from admin chat will display your organization’s name as the sender, rather than your individual admin account. This allows you to send messages on behalf of your entire organization.

When viewing messages in admin chat, you will also see the name of the individual admin who sent the message. This information is not visible to your users in the app; it is only visible in the admin center.

Upload an organization logo

In addition to displaying your client name with your message, chat messages sent from admin chat will display an organizational logo.

We provide a generic default logo if you do not choose to upload one yourself. This is what the provided logo looks like:

If you would like to upload a custom logo for your organization, simply click the “Edit logo” button to the right of the chat box.

Upload and save an image to update the logo. This logo will be stored for all future chats, so you only need to upload it once. You can update the logo as desired or needed by uploading a new image.

Sending messages

To send a message in the chat, type your message in the text box and click the arrow button to send it. You can also click the image icon to upload an image to send.

Your message will be visible to all users who are currently participating in the challenge or monthly step goal. In addition to showing your organization name and logo, messages sent from admin chat will also have a darker color background to distinguish them from messages sent from participants.

Here’s an example of what your users would see in the mobile app:

Challenge and monthly step goal chats will remain available in both the user apps and in the Admin Center for 10 days after the challenge or month ends. Users are no longer able to send chat messages in a chat after the 10 day window has passed. You will still be able to access the chat manager in Admin Center after this period to view messages and pull images, but you will not be able to send any new messages.

Sending a chat template

If you need some inspiration, you can use any of our handy pre-created chat template options.

There are 2 categories of templates you can choose between:

  • Engagement — these help start conversation, with many prompts asking users to reply in some way

  • Updates & reminders — these are generic messages that cheer on users and remind them of the challenge status

To use a template, click the + icon next to it. The template will populate in the text box, and you can simply send it as-is, or make any desired edits before sending.

When you send a template (without making edits to it), you’ll see a note indicating when you send it. This is to help you easily track which prompts you’ve already shared with your users in a particular chat. You will only be able to see this when logged in to the Admin Center on the same browser, device, and admin account you used when sending the message previously.

Managing chat

There are a few ways you can manage chat messages and images shared in chats:

Viewing and downloading images

You can easily download images shared in chats by clicking on the “View & download images” link to the right of the chat box to open a page where you will be able to access all of the images that users have shared in the chat so far.

This page will display up to 30 images at a time; you can view additional images by clicking to the next page at the bottom.

You can also sort the order in which all the images show. They will default to display in the order they were posted, from the newest to oldest. You can change the sort to see them from oldest to newest, or by first or last name.

You can see which user posted each image, and you can click the download button on any particular image to save it to your device.

Pinning a message

Pin important messages to make them more easily accessible to your users. When you pin a message, the background color of the pinned message updates to make it stand out visually. For example, you might choose to pin a message that contains important challenge participation rules. You are able to pin any messages, regardless of who sent them.

To pin a message, hover over the message and click on the thumbtack icon. This pins the message for all users. You can click the same icon to unpin a message that you no longer wish to have pinned.

You can view any messages you have pinned from admin chat:

Your users can also access all pinned messages easily from chat:

Deleting or reporting a message

To delete a message, hover over the message and click on the trashcan icon.

You will only be able to delete messages sent from admin chat. You cannot delete any chat messages shared from participants. However, if you need to remove a message that is inappropriate, you can hover over the message and click on the report icon. This will remove the message from chat for all users.

Pulling a chat report

You can click the “Run chat report” button to be taken to the report for the chat you are managing. Reports include all chat messages sent and who sent them.

Note that you are not able to reply to or react to messages from the Admin Center at this time. You will be able to view all replies and reactions, but will need to go to the user app if you would like to leave a reply or reaction on a message.

If you have any additional questions about using chat in the Admin Center, please reach out to our customer support team!

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