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2 Days Remaining in Challenge

Send this message when there are 2 days left in the challenge.

MoveSpring Team avatar
Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over a week ago


What's included in this email template:

  • Summary of challenge scores

  • User highlights

  • Prize reminders (if applicable)

The info you need to edit

Edit the italicized text in the email below. Here's a list of the info you will need.

  • Challenge name

  • Challenge scores (use the reporting feature in the admin center to get detailed challenge scores). 

  • You'll need to adjust the wording of the challenge score highlights according to the challenge mode you're using. The example below is best applied to Leaderboard and Virtual Race challenges. For Streak, you may consider the number of people who have the longest streak and how many daily goals they have hit in a row. For Target, you may want to highlight those closest to completing their target goal. For Group Target, state the group's progress to goal and how much daily progress they are making on average. 

  • New personal records for most activity in one day during the challenge timeframe (use the "Personal Best" report to get this info).

  • The average daily activity for a participant in the challenge. Get this info by viewing your challenge dashboard in the Admin Center. You'll see a box of activity stats in "Challenge at a Glance."   

  • The percent of users who have not synced in the past 3 days.  Get this info by viewing your challenge dashboard in the Admin Center. You'll see a box of participant stats in "Challenge at a Glance."   


Copy, paste and edit this email:

We are in the final stretches. 2 days left in the {challenge name} challenge!

Here are the challenge highlights

  • {user or team} is clinging to the #1 spot. Can you knock them off of their path to glory? 

  • {user} set a personal record for {personal record stat i.e. total steps} on {date}. Kudos on pushing yourself to a new limit!

  • The average daily activity for people in this challenge is:

  • {individual daily step avg}

  • {individual daily distance avg}

  • {individual daily min avg}

Keep your eye on the prize. Winner will receive {prize description}

Make your steps count. Don’t forget to sync! {% non syncers} have not synced in the past 3 days.

Don’t stop believing, 

{Admin name}

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