Note: Slack and Teams notifications are available to specific plans only. To learn more about upgrading your plan, please contact your MoveSpring client success manager directly or email [email protected] to discuss.
What are the MoveSpring Slack and Teams integrations?
The MoveSpring Slack and Teams integrations allow you to send recurring MoveSpring notifications to a designated Slack and/or Teams channel. You can learn how to customize which notifications you'd like to receive here.
What notification types can I choose from?
Challenge notifications
Your designated Slack or Teams channel will receive notifications for all public, admin-created challenges in your MoveSpring client account.
Notification type | Frequency | Send time | Preview |
3 days before challenge start date | Sends 1x per challenge, 3 days before a challenge starts | 9 AM | |
Challenge starts today | Sends 1x per challenge, on the day a challenge starts | 9 AM |
Challenge ends today | Sends 1x per challenge, on the day a challenge ends | 9 AM |
Challenge scores finalized | Sends 1x per challenge, on the day a challenge grace period has ended | 9 AM |
General notifications
General notifications will pull data from all users in your MoveSpring client account. If a user is included in the notification, their nickname and avatar (as shown in the MoveSpring app) will be displayed in your notification as applicable.
Notification type | Frequency | Send time | Preview |
Chattiest challenge participant | Sends weekly on Mondays | 12 PM |
Daily step leaderboard | Sends daily | 12 PM | |
Weekly step leaderboard | Sends weekly on Mondays | 12 PM | |
Monthly step leaderboard | Sends monthly on 1st of the month | 12 PM | |
Most improved stepper | Sends weekly on Mondays | 12 PM | |
Monthly step goal completion | Sends monthly on 1st of the month | 12 PM |
When will each notification send?
All notifications will send according to the client timezone. You can view and update your client timezone here in the admin center if needed.
Will notifications automatically recur after they are set live from the admin center?
Yes, notifications will automatically send at the frequency and times designated above unless deleted. If you have a new challenge coming up, you don't need to set up new notifications to see those challenge notifications.
Will I need to set up a challenge notification for every challenge I run?
Challenge notifications only need to be set up once. All public, admin-created challenges will be included in your notifications once you set up challenge-based notifications. If you do not want a specific challenge to be highlighted with a notification, set the challenge visibility to "Hidden" when you create it. You can also adjust this setting from the challenge dashboard after creation.
What chat messages are counted towards the "Chattiest challenge participant" notification?
The "Chattiest challenge participant" notification counts all chat messages and replies shared in challenge chats, including both admin-created and user created challenge chats. No team chat or direct chat messages count towards this total.