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How to review a user’s activity data from the admin center
How to review a user’s activity data from the admin center

Learn how to review a user's device data, manual activities, and converted activities in the admin center for potential signs of cheating

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over 7 months ago

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How to review a user's activity

You can view a user's device data, manual activities, and converted activities through the MoveSpring admin center.

Note: Device data is data that is synced from a user's wearable device or smartphone, such as steps, distance, and active minutes. Logged activities are self-reported entries added through manual activity entry or the activity converter and are not tracked by a device.

To review a user's activity, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the admin center and select the Users tab in the side navigation menu

  2. Search for an individual user by entering their name, username, or email in the search bar. Click on the user from the search results to pull up their account information:

  3. Reference a user's Activity Summary to see an overview of their activity totals for today, along with their activity averages for the past 7 and 30 days.

  4. Select the Daily Activity tab to see a detailed view of a user's daily activity. Select the edit icon for a specific day to open a full view of the user's daily activity data:

  5. From this Activity Details window, you will see a user's total activity for the day at the top, which can be made up of 3 types of activity:

    • Device activity - Data synced from a user's connected device

    • Manual activity - Data added via manual activity entry*

    • Converted activity - Data added via the activity converter*

    *Note: Users in your organization will only have access to manual activity entry and the activity converter if you’ve enabled those features under your App Settings.

    Scroll down to review each category from this window:

  6. After reviewing a user’s data, learn how to identify potential signs of cheating below, and click here to learn how to remove data from a user’s account.

  7. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for each day you'd like to see more information on. This will help you determine which data has been synced from a device and which data has been added through manual activity entry or the activity converter.

How to spot potential signs of cheating

When reviewing a user's account for signs of cheating, we recommend looking out for days where a user earned an exceptionally high number of steps, distance, or active minutes. A user may have high totals for each metric or only have exceptionally high totals for one metric. You may also notice repetitive and lengthy logged activities, such as a user with several of the same workout logged in one day (e.g. multiple yoga workouts at 300 minutes each).

How do I determine if a user's data is exceptionally high?

Daily activity varies widely by individual, so it is difficult to provide an exact threshold of daily user activity that would suggest cheating. Generally, over 50,000 steps, 25 miles, or 480 active minutes (8+ hours) in one day would be a high level of daily activity for the majority of users, but totals beyond this level are not an indication of cheating on their own.

Running a marathon takes over 26 miles to complete, so this level of activity is achievable for some, but may not be realistic for others, and would be especially difficult to achieve multiple days in a row. Keeping these considerations in mind should be helpful as you review a user's activity data for potential signs of cheating.

Step 1: Review a user's daily activity totals for the past 30 days and note any anomalies

  • After selecting the Daily Activity tab, scan through a user's past 30 days of total activity data and look for any dates that stand out as very high totals.

Step 2: Determine the data source for the daily activity totals

  • Once you've located a date with high totals, select the edit icon (step 4 above) to open the Activity Details window. From this page, you can determine if the data in question was synced to MoveSpring from a device or if it was logged manually through the activity converter or manual entry.

  • Once you've identified the source behind the high totals being reported, this can help you in addressing the user if you suspect there may have been a mistake or intentional inflating of totals.

  • Mistakes in data and intentional cheating can occur through both device activity and manually logged activities. Determining the source will not eliminate the potential for cheating but will help in understanding the source of the high totals.

Step 3: Address any potential cheating concerns

  • For guidance on how to address potential cheating in your challenge, click here.

How to edit or remove data from a user's account

If you review a user's data and determine that the data was logged in error or was intentionally inflated, you can remove the data from the admin center. You can learn how to remove a user's here.

Note: If you alter any data, this will impact a user’s activity totals and the scores of any active challenges.

Common questions

What if I’m only seeing high totals under Device Activity?

It's possible for any user to be dishonest in a challenge, even if they are using a device we integrate with. A user can put their device on a dog, a fan, a friend going on a run, etc., and many device apps allow users to manually enter steps directly. Disabling manual activity entry and the activity converter will not eliminate the possibility that a user may be falsifying totals.

What if I'm only seeing high mileage totals under Device Activity?

If you're noticing high mileage totals only under Device Activity, this may be a case where the user's cycling mileage is being synced into their account directly from their device. You can learn more about how cycling data syncs to MoveSpring here.

What happens if I edit or remove data from a user’s account?

If you alter a user’s activity data, this will impact a user’s activity totals in their profile and the scores of any active challenges. Scores in an active challenge should update after you’ve made the adjustment from the admin center.

Need more help?

If you have any other questions, please contact our support team by emailing [email protected] or via the in app messenger, or reach out to your client success manager.

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