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Using the MoveSpring Content Library

Use these instructions to publish and schedule content from the MoveSpring Content Library

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over 7 months ago

What is the MoveSpring Content Library?

The MoveSpring Content Library gives you access to a curated list of articles, videos, and posts that you can publish to your challenge through the content module.

The Content Library also includes curated Collections made up of approximately 10-20 content pieces on a designated topic, such as seasonal content, nutrition and fitness basics, or even tips on meditation and mental health that you can easily add to your content module in bulk. Learn more here.

Who can access the MoveSpring Content Library?

The MoveSpring Content Library is currently accessible for admins with one-time challenge plans, as well as Pro and Ultimate subscription plans.

Accessing the MoveSpring Content Library

The MoveSpring Content Library can be accessed in three different ways. You can view the library directly from the Communications tab, or when adding content to a challenge module or a content campaign.

1. Accessing the Content Library from the Communications Tab

  1. From the MoveSpring Admin Center, select the Communications tab from the side navigation menu

  2. Locate the Content Library container and click the blue View Library button to browse our collections of wellbeing content.

2. Accessing the Content Library from a Challenge

  1. Click into the Challenges tab from the side navigation menu

2. Select your challenge from the list of challenges. If you don't see any challenges displayed here, you'll need to create one first.

3. Scroll down to your modules until you see your 'Content' module. Click 'Manage & Upload Content':

4. Click 'Upload From Library' as shown below to access the MoveSpring Content Library:

Note: If you want to upload your own content or manage existing content, learn more here.

3. Accessing the Content Library from Content Campaigns

  1. From the MoveSpring Admin Center, select the Communications tab from the side navigation menu

  2. Select the blue Manage Content button in the Content Campaigns container

  3. Select the blue Upload from Library button in the upper right-hand corner

Navigating the MoveSpring Content Library

After selecting 'Upload From Library' as shown above, you'll be brought here into the MoveSpring Content Library:

From here, you'll be able to either browse through our curated Collections that you can add in bulk to your content module, or you can filter through all of our content by type or tag to quickly locate a desired content piece.

Browse & Upload Content From Collections

To learn more about our Collections feature, including how to navigate and upload Collections to your content module, please see this guide.

Filter & Search From All Content

If you'd like to search the MoveSpring Content Library for a specific piece of content, just use the search bar shown here to search for a specific topic, or filter by type or tags to quickly locate a desired content type or topic:

Once you've narrowed your search, use the dropdown arrow to expand a specific content piece in order to preview details, as shown here:

If you've selected a video or article, you can preview the content by clicking "View full content" above.

Upload Content to your Content Module

Once you've found a piece of content you'd like to add, select the blue 'Upload' button. You'll be prompted to either publish your content now or either schedule out the content to be shared at a later date and time.

Your content will either publish immediately or queue for release at a future time according to your selection!

Note: You will not be able to 'Publish Now' if your challenge has not started.

Manage and Review your Content

Once you're finished adding your content, you can easily review and manage any scheduled content by following the steps linked here.


If you have additional questions, please contact our support team for help!

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