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Chat Templates

Use our chat message templates to engage your users throughout your challenge.

MoveSpring Team avatar
Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over 9 months ago

Chat is a great tool to keep your participants motivated throughout a challenge and build community! Admins can use chat to connect directly with users to share reminders, prompt engagement, and motivate everyone to keep stepping.

Click here for guidance on how to post in chat from the Admin Center, or click here for information on how to post in chat from the user app. Note that there is no distinction from a regular user and an admin in chat if you post from the user app. You must post from admin chat if you wish for your posts to display as sent from your organization.

For ideas of what to send in chat, you can either use any of our chat templates in admin chat, or use our suggested messages below. Most of these chat messages can be used in any challenge, so we recommend picking and choosing your favorites. Try to post one or two chat prompts for each week of your challenge.

Let's add some talking to our walking! πŸ’¬

Note: any text in brackets needs to be updated with your own information.

Challenge Updates & Reminders:

First day of the challenge

Let's hit the ground running! Day 1 of our challenge is here, and we're excited you're all joining in on the fun 🀩 We hope you're ready to start moving and grooving πŸƒ

A few days in

We've broken in our walking shoes and made it through the first few days of our challenge! Congrats, everyone! πŸ‘ But don't get too comfortableβ€”we've got lots of moving still to come. Let's keep up the great work, team!

Syncing reminder

🚨 Syncing reminder! Don't forget to sync from your connected device at least 1x/day to keep your steps accurate in the challenge. Let's cheer each other on every step of the way! πŸ“£

Running into a syncing issue? 😒 Contact MoveSpring support for help via email at [email protected] or from the Message support button in the app!

Custom activity logging reminder

🚨 Logging reminder! Don't forget to log your activity every day to get credit for it in the challenge. Let's cheer each other on to keep up the hard work! πŸ“£

Having trouble logging? 😒 Contact MoveSpring support for help via email at [email protected] or from the Message support button in the app!

End of first week

It's the end of week 1! Congrats on an awesome start to our challenge! πŸ™Œ Don't put away your stepping shoes just yet πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ We've got more to go in the challenge ➑️

Halfway through the challenge

We've officially reached the halfway point of our challenge, and we're not giving up yet. Who's ready to keep pushing through to the end? Let's make each step count! πŸ‘Ÿ

3 days before challenge end

With just 3 days left to go, we'd love to see some final photos as we wrap up this challenge πŸ“ΈSend us your best walking photo from the past few weeks so we can cheer you on as you cross the finish line 🏁

Last day of the challenge

And just like that, our challenge has come to an end. No matter how many miles you moved or steps you synced, make sure to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done! You deserve it! πŸ‘


Congrats everyone! πŸŽ‰ We [reached the finish line / unlocked our charity donation / etc.]. Let's take a moment to celebrate our hard work! Feel free to dance along: πŸ’ƒπŸ½ πŸ•ΊπŸ» πŸ‘―

Rewards update

Our challenge is over and we're running our raffle soon! Start the drumroll πŸ₯ We'll communicate raffle winners via [an announcement and/or email] by [date]. πŸŽ‰

Engagement Prompts:

Note: We recommend that you submit an answer to the prompt first to kick off and increase engagement!

Photo of walk

Snapshot time! 😎 Take a picture on your walk today and drop it in the chat so we can see where we're all getting our steps in πŸ“Έ πŸ‘€

Emoji check in

How's the challenge going for you so far? React with the emoji that matches how you're feeling!

πŸ˜… Taking it one step at a time

🀩 Proud of everyone!

😎 We're movin' and grovin'

Notice something new

Notice anything you haven't seen before while you're out taking your steps? Pay attention to new sights or sounds next time you're out and let us know what you discover!

Walking buddy

Do you have a walking buddy to keep you company as you get your steps in? Share a photo of them in chat and tag #MyWalkingBuddy! 🐢

When are you getting your steps in?

Did you know it takes approximately 10 mins to walk 1,000 steps? πŸ€” When do you prefer to get in your steps?

Who are you trying to beat today?

Nothing gets us moving like a little competition 🀼 Let us know who you're trying to outstep today! Want to beat a friend, coworker, partner, your dog? Drop in the chat who you're working to outstep today πŸ‘Ÿ

Mini challenge!

Heads up: we're hosting a mini challenge for TODAY ONLY!🚨 The goal? Reach 10k steps today! πŸƒ.

Let us know how your day goes here with the hashtag #10ktoday! Post photos and inspiration, and let's all cheer each other on to get #10ktoday πŸ™Œ

Note: For a 1-day event like this, we suggest sending an announcement to your users as well so that no one misses the fun!

Motivational Posts:

Links to videos or songs that are motivational:

Train like Rocky

Want some inspiration for your steps today? Who doesn't love a good training montage! There's nothing like watching Rocky run up those steps πŸ› πŸ™Œ Get pumped with some classic inspiration here:

"I Will What I Want"

Looking for some motivation to keep stepping? Get inspired with Misty Copeland's dedication to keep dancing in the face of adversity:

Songs to Jam to:

Need a pick-me-up? There's nothing like a good jam to get us stepping! 🎡

Song suggestions:

🎧 500 miles:

🎧 The Final Countdown:

🎧 Eye of the Tiger:

🎧 Walking on Sunshine:

What song pumps you up and motivates you?

Do you have a favorite tune that pumps you up? Something you can't sit still to? Let's jam out while we step outβ€”share your favorite song to workout to in the chat! 🎢

Bonus idea: make a Spotify or YouTube playlist with the songs everyone suggests and share the link in the chat!

What gives you motivation?

🌟 Motivation Mondayβ€”let's kick off the week strong! Share what gives you motivation to step, run, bike, dance, swim, etc. in the chat! We can't wait to hear what motivates you 🀩

Let's walk off some pancakes today!

Let's walk off our breakfast today! Did you know that three buttermilk pancakes contain about 430 calories, meaning you would have to take 10,059 steps to work them off? πŸ₯ž Challenge yourself to get to 10,059 steps today (and treat yourself with some breakfast for dinner πŸ˜‹)

Note: Use our Calorie to Step conversions to walk off any food item you want! Pick something that aligns with your challenge goal or that your employees enjoy πŸ˜‹

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