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Understanding the Most Improved Report
Understanding the Most Improved Report

Learn how to find which users have improved most over time with the Most Improved Report

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Written by MoveSpring Team
Updated over 7 months ago

Table of Contents

What is the Most Improved Report?

The Most Improved Report pulls user data from two designated timeframes to determine who improved the most based on either step, distance, or active minute averages and totals. The report calculates a percent change based on the two timeframes. It gives you insight into which users are improving and by how much, and allows you to reward or recognize users for their efforts.

How to pull the Most Improved Report

To access the Most Improved Report, go to the MoveSpring Admin Center.

Click on "Reporting" from the side navigation menu:

On the left of the Reporting page, you'll see the types of reports you can pull. Select the "Most Improved Report" under the User Reports category. Then, select "Run Most Improved Report" here:

screenshot of running a most improved report

When pulling a Most Improved Report, you will select two different timeframes to compare: the baseline timeframe and the secondary timeframe. Both are shown below:

If you’re not sure what timeframes to select here, we suggest comparing consecutive weeks or months. For example, if you’re pulling a Most Improved Report in August and you want to compare the past 2 months against one another, your baseline timeframe would be the month of June (6/01/2022 - 6/30/2022) and your secondary timeframe would be the month of July (7/01/2022 - 7/31/2022).

After pulling the report, you should receive a notification that your report is complete at the bottom of the page. You can also access the report from the "Completed Reports" tab. Learn more about pulling reports here.

How does the Most Improved Report work?

A user's percent change is calculated based on their daily average and total activity for each timeframe. You can see each timeframe and a user's daily average and total activity for each timeframe in the report here:

preview of timeframe columns in most improved report

Determining if a user improved

Using the daily average and total activity values shown above, the percent change is calculated with the following formula:

(Secondary period - Baseline period) ÷ Baseline period = percent (%) change

The percent change you see for users in the report will show as a positive or negative percent. Next to the percent change value, you'll see a "Status" column indicating an increase or decrease in activity.

  • If the percent change is positive, the user's activity improved during the secondary period compared to the baseline period.

  • If the percent change is negative, the user's activity went down during the secondary period compared to the baseline period.

Note: If you notice a percent change greater than 90%, the user may not have synced regularly during both timeframes. To check for any outliers, reference the user's daily activity shown in the report.

Determining your most improved users

To determine your most improved user, you'll need to sort either the Daily Avg % Change column or the Total Activity % Change column from high to low. We recommend using the Daily Avg % Change column. You can learn more about how each calculation is found below:

Calculating the percent change by daily average (recommended)

If a user had 10,000 steps as their daily average for the baseline period, and 12,000 steps as their daily average for the secondary period, the formula would calculate their percent change as:

(12,000 steps/day - 10,000 steps/day) ÷ 10,000 steps/day = 20% increase

The daily average calculation in the Most Improved report does not include any days where a user had 0 steps, distance, or active minutes. For this reason, we recommend using the daily average calculation over the total activity calculation.

Note: This may result in a different percent change value compared to total activity.

Calculating the percent change by total activity

If a user had 100,000 steps total for the baseline period, and 105,000 steps total for the secondary period, the formula would calculate their percent change as:

(105,000 steps - 100,000 steps/day) ÷ 100,000 steps/day = 5% increase

Which percent change calculation should I use?

The difference between the two percent change calculations is whether or not days where a user had 0 steps, distance, or active minutes are included. The Daily Average % Change does not include days where a user had 0 steps, distance, or active minutes.

To compare a user's improvement based ONLY on the days they synced, you'll want to use the Daily Average % Change. We recommend using Daily Average % Change to avoid including any outlier days where a user did not sync.

If you'd like to include every day in the selected timeframe, even if a user didn't sync on those days, you'll want to use the Total Activity % Change column instead.

Announcement template to highlight your most improved users

Title: Improvement Superstars 🤩


It looks like we have some MoveSpring superstars who are stepping up their game.

Let's take a minute to shout out some of our most improved users! 🎉

Our most improved users from [Timeframe 1] to [Timeframe 2] are:




Way to go! 👏 Keep up the good work!

Reporting steps for template:

  1. Pull a Most Improved Report

  2. Set Timeframe 1 and Timeframe 2

  3. Sort Daily Avg % Change column from high to low

  4. Identify top 3 participants with highest improvement percentage


Can I run a Most Improved Report without an active challenge?

Yes! We recommend running a Most Improved Report when you aren’t hosting any active challenges to keep user engagement strong.

Will data in the Most Improved Report match challenge data?

If you run a Most Improved Report during a challenge, please note that the data in your challenge reports may not match directly with the data in your Most Improved Report. This is because data for the Most Improved Report is pulled directly from a user’s profile and does not take challenge scoring rules into account. It’s also important to note that any activity caps that are applied to your challenge modes will not be reflected in the Most Improved Report for this same reason.

If you notice that a user has data in a Most Improved Report that isn’t in a challenge report, please rescore the challenge. This should ensure that the data in a user’s profile is scored in your challenge.

Other questions?

For additional assistance, please contact the MoveSpring support team.

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